Catholic belief, writes Father Husslein, S.J. 'does not rest with merely acknowledging the existence of guardian spirits given us by God. It goes further and asserts as of absolute certainty that every human being has his/her own Guardian Angel. In the next place, it is also a universal Catholic belief that not merely every just man, every child of grace, but in fact every single human being here upon earth, whether Christian or non-Christian, whether in grace or in sin, actually remains during its entire life under the care of a Guardian Angel. It suffices to describe this as absolutely certain. Moreover, it is generally held that each human being has its own distinct Guardian Angel not assigned to anyone else.' The words of our Lord also point to this conclusion: 'See that you despise not one of these little ones. For, I say to you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.'
The ministry of these Guardian Angles consists:
1. In warding off dangers to body and soul
2. In preventing Satan's suggesting evil thoughts and in removing occasions of sin and helping us to overcome temptation.
3. In enlightening and instructing us and fostering in us holy thoughts and pious desires.
4. In offering to God our prayers and in praying for us
5. In correcting us if we sin
6. In helping us in the agony of death, in strengthening and comforting us.
7. In conducting our souls to heaven or to purgatory to console us there.
It is thus our Guardian Angels watch over us, keep us, lead us. They see in their charges, souls of priceless value since they were redeemed by the Blood of God.
Although they cannot penetrate the inner sanctuary of human hearts which God has reserved for himself, they do all they can to help us. However, it is in our power by an act of our free will to expose our intimate thoughts to our angelic companion. And it is to our advantage for such confidence in his enlightened guidance is of great benefit to our soul. After God and our Blessed Mother, he is surely our best friend, and if we really love him, we will have no secrets to hide from him. We do not sensibly perceive him. We hear no whispered warnings in our ear. Our hands cannot touch him nor do our eyes look up to him. Yet invisibly he is with us. From the first moment of life he guards us and he will not have completed his task until as we trust, we shall gaze with him in glory on the vision of God.
Father Faber, one of the greatest writers over the celestial beings, touchingly describes the solicitude of our Angel Guardians: 'Ever at our side is being lived a golden life. A princely Spirit is there, who sees God and enjoys the bewildering splendors of His face even there where He is, nearer than the limits of our outstretched arms. An unseen warfare is waging round our steps, but that beautiful Spirit lets not so much as the sound of it vex our ears. He fights for us and asks no thanks, but hides his silent victories and continues to gaze upon God. His tenderness for us is above all words. His office will last beyond the grace, until at length it merges into a still sweeter tie of something like heavenly equality, when on the morning of the resurrection we pledge each other, in those first moments, to an endless blessed love.
Till then we shall never know from how many dangers he has delivered us, nor how much of our salvation is actually due to him. Meanwhile he merits nothing by the solicitudes of his office. He is beyond the power of meriting, for he has attained the sight of God. His work is a work of love, because his sweet presence at our side he knows to be a part of God's eternal creative love towards our particular soul.'
In him we have an unseen friend and benefactor, an intimate and never failing companion in our journey through life. How often perhaps have we almost felt his presence and his power upbearing and rescuing us from danger! How indeed shall we ever repay him for the love that he has shown us?
Let us ask the Precious Blood to be our thank-offering for so great a favor as his companionship.
ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ