Dear Rev. Father/ Sister/ Friend, ‘Suvisheshangal – Sampoorna Bible Quiz’ the Malayalam book written by Rev. Dr Cyrus Velamparampil is going to be reprinted on 28 July 2019. Now I wish to inform you of the following prepublication details. Book information Toal pages – 480. Book size Demmy ¼, Total questions -6200 Prepublication Date - 2019 June 1. Publication Date 2019 July 28 Face Value – Rs 250/- (per copy) Prepublication Prize – Rs 150/- (20% of total order extra as postage) For copies of the book, fill up the following form and send back with due amount. Expecting your sincere cooperation, Pala Yours Sincerely in Christ
26-3-2019 Rev Fr Cyrus Velamparampil ………………………………. cut here ------ …………………………………… Order Form To, Fr. Cyrus Velamparampil Mob 9447307131 Mar Aprem Seminary Email : Lalam, Pala P.O. – 686575 Kottayam (Dt), Kerala
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Dear Rev. Father/ Sister/ Friend,
മറുപടിഇല്ലാതാക്കൂ‘Suvisheshangal – Sampoorna Bible Quiz’ the Malayalam book written by Rev. Dr Cyrus Velamparampil is going to be reprinted on 28 July 2019. Now I wish to inform you of the following prepublication details.
Book information Toal pages – 480. Book size Demmy ¼, Total questions -6200
Prepublication Date - 2019 June 1. Publication Date 2019 July 28
Face Value – Rs 250/- (per copy)
Prepublication Prize – Rs 150/- (20% of total order extra as postage)
For copies of the book, fill up the following form and send back with due amount. Expecting your sincere cooperation,
Pala Yours Sincerely in Christ
26-3-2019 Rev Fr Cyrus Velamparampil
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Order Form
Fr. Cyrus Velamparampil Mob 9447307131
Mar Aprem Seminary Email :
Lalam, Pala P.O. – 686575
Kottayam (Dt), Kerala
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